Privacy policy

Cookies and other similar technologies policy

This cookies policy was drawn up according to the obligations arising out of the amendment to the Telecommunications Law which came into force on 22nd March 2013. These obligations are performed in a similar way throughout Europe as a result of the European directive implementation.

1. With respect to sharing content of website (hereinafter referred to as “Website” or “Blog”), it uses so-called cookies, i.e. information which has been recorded by servers in your terminal equipment and can be read by servers every time you connect by means of this terminal equipment, it may also use other technologies with functions similar or equivalent to cookies. In this document, information about cookies is also applied to other similar technologies used within the framework of our websites. Cookie files (so-called “cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files which are stored in your terminal equipment. Cookies usually include a domain name of the website which they are from, term of their storage in the terminal equipment and a unique number.

2. Cookies are used for the purpose of:

a) adaptation of website content to your preferences and optimisation of the use of the websites; in particular, these files allow the website to recognise your equipment and display the website appropriately, in a way suited to your specific needs,
b) production of statistics which help with understanding how the website users make use of the websites, which allows us to improve the websites structure and content,
c) maintaining your session (after logging in) whereby you don’t have to enter your login and password again on each subpage of the website,
d) providing you with advertising content better suited to your interests.

3. Within the framework of our websites we may use the following types of cookies:

a) “essential” cookies which allow you to use any services available within the framework of the website, e.g. authenticating cookies used for services requiring authentication within the framework of the website,
b) cookies intended to ensure security, e.g. used to detect any irregularities in the authentication process within the framework of the website,
c) cookies which allow us to collect information about a way of the website usage,
d) “functional” cookies which allow the website to “remember” your settings and to personalise your interface, e.g. in terms of chosen language or your region, font size, look of the website, etc.,
e) “advertising” cookies which allow the website to provide you with advertising content better suited to you interests.

4. In a number of cases software for browsing websites (Internet browser) allows the website to store cookies in your terminal equipment by default. You may change your cookie settings at any time. These settings may be changed, in particular in such a way as to block the automatic use of cookies in the Internet browser settings or as to inform you every time when the cookies are downloaded to your equipment. Detailed information about ability and methods of the use of cookies is available in your software (Internet browser) settings. If you don’t make any changes to cookie settings, the cookies will be downloaded to your terminal equipment and thus we will store information in your terminal equipment and gain access to this information.

5. If you disable the use of cookies, you may have difficulties in the use of some of our services within the framework of our websites, in particular those requiring logging in. However, disabling the option of accepting cookies does not mean that you will not be able to read or watch the content included on the website such as this Blog, except for the content which you can access after logging in only.

6. Cookies may be downloaded to your terminal equipment and then may be used by advertisers cooperating with Blog, by research companies and providers of multimedia applications.

7. On this website we have installed software for production of statistics on the visits frequency – Google Analytics, web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). The statistics collect information about display resolution, colour depth, Flash and JavaScript version, your physical location, cookies. Information about your use of the website (including your IP address), generated by cookies, will be imparted to Google and stored by this company on its servers in the USA. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website traffic for website operators and providing other services related to website traffic and the use of Internet. Google may impart this information to third parties as well if it is required to do so in accordance with the applicable provisions of law or if the third parties process such information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data it holds. You may disable cookies by selecting the appropriate settings of your browser but please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all functionalities of this website. This website uses remarketing function in Google Analytics as well. By using this website, you consent to processing of data related to you by Google in the way and for the purposes as described above. In order to block Google Analytics, you can download appropriate software from this website link.

Find out more about cookies here.
